Trimagnesium citrate is a chemical compound composed of magnesium and citric acid. It is commonly used as a dietary supplement to provide magnesium, an essential mineral that plays a vital role in numerous physiological processes in the body.

NamesTrimagnesium Citrate
SynonymsMagnesium Citrate/Trimagnesium Dicitrate
Molecular WeightApproximately 451.11 g/mol
Chemical FormulaMg3(C6H5O7)2
HS Code29181500
CAS No.7779-25-1
Physical AppearanceWhite powder or granules
SolubilitySoluble in water
PurityNot less than 95%
Loss on DryingNot more than 10%
Heavy Metals (as Pb)Not more than 10 ppm
Arsenic (As)Not more than 3 ppm
Particle Size (mesh)80 mesh (180 μm)
pH Value (1% solution)6.0 - 8.5
Bulk DensityApproximately 0.5 - 0.8 g/cm3

What are the benefits of Trimagnesium citrate anhydrous?

High purity: Trimagnesium citrate anhydrous is typically available in high purity, ensuring consistent and stable performance.

Solubility: Trimagnesium citrate anhydrous exhibits good solubility in water, making it easy to use and handle in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Stability: Being anhydrous, trimagnesium citrate anhydrous is relatively stable during storage and transportation, less prone to moisture absorption or degradation.

Control: The absence of water molecules in trimagnesium citrate anhydrous allows for easier measurement and control of its weight and volume.

Versatility: As an anhydrous compound, trimagnesium citrate can be applied in various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. It can serve as an acidity regulator, antioxidant, stabilizer, and chelating agent, among other functions.

Efficiency: The magnesium ions present in trimagnesium citrate anhydrous can be more readily available and efficiently absorbed by the body, effectively meeting the body’s magnesium needs.

What is Trimagnesium citrate used for?

Food Industry

Acidity regulator: Trimagnesium citrate can be used to adjust and control the acidity or alkalinity of food products. It helps maintain the desired pH level, which is important for flavor, stability, and preservation.

Firming agent: Trimagnesium citrate can act as a firming agent, helping to improve the texture and firmness of certain food products. It is often used in processed fruits and vegetables to maintain their structure and prevent softening.

Sequestrant: Trimagnesium citrate can function as a sequestrant, which means it helps bind and chelate metal ions in food. This property can prevent the metal ions from catalyzing undesirable reactions, such as oxidation or color changes.

Buffering agent: Trimagnesium citrate can act as a buffering agent to stabilize the pH of food products. It helps prevent drastic changes in acidity or alkalinity, which can affect the taste, texture, and overall quality of the food.

Emulsifier: In some food applications, trimagnesium citrate can function as an emulsifier, helping to stabilize oil-in-water emulsions. It promotes the uniform dispersion and stability of oil or fat droplets in aqueous systems.

Flavor enhancer: Trimagnesium citrate can enhance the flavor profile of certain foods. It’s tart or sour taste can contribute to a pleasant and well-balanced flavor in various products, such as beverages, sauces, and dressings.

Trimagnesium Citrate in Food

Trimagnesium CitrateSoft drinks: Carbonated beverages, including sodas and energy drinks, may use trimagnesium citrate as an acidity regulator and flavor enhancer.

Flavored water: Trimagnesium citrate can be found in flavored water products, providing acidity control and mineral fortification.

Dairy products: Certain dairy products such as yogurts, ice creams, and processed cheeses may contain trimagnesium citrate for pH adjustment and other functional purposes.

Fruit juices and fruit-based products: Some fruit juices, fruit drinks, and fruit-based desserts may utilize trimagnesium citrate to enhance flavor, regulate acidity, or as a mineral supplement.

Baked goods: Trimagnesium citrate can be added to baked goods like bread, cakes, and pastries to adjust pH and improve texture.

Infant formulas: Some infant formulas may include trimagnesium citrate as a source of magnesium, helping to meet the nutritional needs of infants.

Medical Industry

Oral Laxative Solution: Trimagnesium citrate is an oral laxative solution that can ease occasional constipation. It’s available over the counter (OTC) and can help produce a bowel movement in 30 minutes to 6 hours.

Magnesium Supplement: Trimagnesium citrate can be used as a magnesium supplement to address magnesium deficiencies in patients. Magnesium plays a vital role in many physiological processes and is necessary for proper muscle and nerve function, as well as maintaining a healthy heartbeat. Supplementing with trimagnesium citrate can help restore adequate magnesium levels in the body.

Constipation Treatment: Trimagnesium citrate can be utilized as a laxative to relieve constipation. It works by drawing water into the intestines, softening the stool, and promoting bowel movements. This property makes it useful in addressing short-term constipation issues.

Antacid: Magnesium compounds, including trimagnesium citrate, can act as antacids to alleviate symptoms of acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion. They work by neutralizing excess stomach acid and providing relief from discomfort.

Kidney Stone Prevention: Magnesium is known to inhibit the formation of certain types of kidney stones. Trimagnesium citrate may be recommended to individuals prone to developing kidney stones to help prevent their recurrence.

Dietary Supplement: Trimagnesium citrate can also be used as a dietary supplement in certain cases where magnesium intake needs to be increased or balanced for overall health and well-being.

Trimagnesium Citrate Side Effects

Trimagnesium citrate, as a food additive, is considered safe for consumption by regulatory bodies such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) when used within approved levels. However, excessive consumption can lead to potential side effects such as gastrointestinal issues (diarrhea, abdominal cramps), electrolyte imbalance, medication interactions, allergic reactions, and individual sensitivity. It’s important to follow proper usage guidelines and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or underlying health conditions.

In conclusion, trimagnesium citrate is a chemical compound commonly used in the food and medical industries. Trimagnesium citrate plays a valuable role in the food and medical industries, providing functional benefits and contributing to the flavor, texture, and stability of various products.

If you are an importer looking for a reliable supplier of trimagnesium citrate, be sure to choose a reputable company with a proven track record of quality and reliability. Contact Us [email protected]