CAS7558 80 7, what this means? Actually, CAS stands for Chemical Abstracts Service. It is a division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and is responsible for assigning unique identifiers, known as CAS Registry Numbers or CAS Numbers, to chemical substances. CAS Numbers are widely used to identify and track specific chemical compounds and are recognized internationally as a standard for chemical identification. Each CAS Number consists of a unique sequence of digits, separated into three parts by hyphens, and helps to ensure accurate and unambiguous identification of chemical substances.

And CAS7558 80 7 refers to Monosodium Phosphate. In this blog, we will explore the functions, applications, and safety of CAS7558 80 7 with the order of the following questions:

  • What is CAS7558 80 7?
  • What are the Functions of Monosodium phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7)?
  • What are the Common Uses of Monosodium Phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7)?
  • Is It Safe?

Let’s begin with the first question below.

What is CAS7558 80 7?

CAS 7558 80 7 (Monosodium phosphate), also known as monobasic sodium phosphate or sodium dihydrogen phosphate, is an inorganic compound composed of sodium and the dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4−) anion. It is classified as one of the sodium phosphates and is commonly used in various industrial applications.

Check the  properties of CAS 7558 80 7 (Monosodium Phosphate) below:

Chemical FormulaNaH2PO4
Molecular Weight119.98 g/mol
Density2.04 g/cm³
Melting Point190 °C (374 °F)
Boiling PointDecomposes at higher temperatures
SolubilityHighly soluble in water
AppearanceWhite crystalline powder
pH ValueTypically acidic (around pH 4)

Let’s continue with the next question.

What are the Functions of Monosodium Phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7)?

pH Buffer: Monosodium phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7) acts as a pH buffer, helping to regulate and maintain the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It is commonly used in food and beverage production, as well as in laboratory settings, to control and adjust the pH level.

Acidulant: Monosodium phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7) is used as an acidulant in the food industry. It adds a sour or tangy taste to certain food and beverage products. It is particularly useful in acidic formulations where a controlled level of acidity is desired.

Leavening Agent: In baking, monosodium phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7) functions as a leavening agent. It reacts with a weak acid (such as cream of tartar) in the presence of moisture and heat, releasing carbon dioxide gas. This gas expands the dough or batter, causing it to rise and create a lighter, fluffier texture in baked goods.

Emulsification and Stabilization: Monosodium phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7) acts as an emulsifier and stabilizer in food products. It helps to blend and stabilize the mixture of oil and water-based ingredients, preventing separation and improving the texture and consistency of the final product.

Nutrient Supplement: Monosodium phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7) can serve as a source of phosphorus in nutritional supplements. Phosphorus is an essential mineral that plays a critical role in various physiological processes in the body, including bone and teeth formation, energy metabolism, and cellular function.

What are the Common Uses of Monosodium Phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7)?

Monosodium Phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7) Uses in Foood:

CAS 7558 80 7Cheese Production: CAS 7558 80 7 (Monosodium phosphate) is employed in cheese production as a buffering agent and emulsifier. It helps control the pH levels during cheese making, contributing to the desired texture and flavor development [Source:].

Meat, Poultry, and Seafood: CAS 7558 80 7 (Monosodium phosphate) is commonly used in the processing of muscle foods. It helps to maintain the structure and hydration of meat, poultry, and seafood products. [Source:]

Canned food: CAS 7558 80 7 (Monosodium phosphate) is added to canned and processed seafood products to improve their texture, maintain moisture, and prevent the growth of bacteria. It helps preserve the quality of the seafood and extend its shelf life.

Nutritional Supplement: CAS 7558 80 7 (Monosodium phosphate) is sometimes used as a source of phosphorus in nutritional supplements. Phosphorus is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in various biological processes in the body, such as bone and teeth formation, energy metabolism, and cell function.

Monosodium Phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7) Uses in Other Industries:

Water Treatment: Monosodium phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7) is commonly used in water treatment processes. It acts as a pH buffer, helping to stabilize the pH levels in water systems. It is particularly useful in controlling and maintaining the pH of boiler water and cooling water systems.

In cooling water treatment, the addition of phosphates, including trisodium phosphate and monosodium phosphate, helps to buffer the pH of the water. This buffering effect helps maintain the pH within the range that prevents corrosive conditions and scale formation, especially as the cooling water becomes more concentrated through evaporation [Source:].

Pharmaceutical Industry:  Monosodium phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7) is used in the pharmaceutical industry as an excipient in the formulation of tablets, capsules, and oral solutions. It helps in adjusting the pH of formulations and improving stability.

Agriculture and Horticulture:  Monosodium phosphate (CAS 7558 80 7) is employed in agriculture and horticulture as a source of phosphorus and a pH regulator in fertilizers. It provides essential nutrients to plants and helps in maintaining optimal soil pH for proper growth and development.

Is It Safe?

CAS 7558 80 7 (Monosodium Phosphate) is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by regulatory authorities when used in accordance with approved levels and guidelines. It has a long history of use in food, pharmaceuticals, and other applications without significant reports of adverse effects when consumed in appropriate amounts.

In conclusion, CAS 7558-80-7 refers to monosodium phosphate, which is widely used in various industries, including food, water treatment, and pharmaceutics. Monosodium phosphate serves functions such as pH buffering, acidulation, leavening agent, emulsification, and stabilization. It is generally recognized as safe when used in accordance with approved guidelines. If you’re interested in our monosodium phosphate, please contact us at [email protected].